The Role of the Raqs Ambassador

We’ve said it before some years ago that the role of a dancer in the Middle Eastern Arts community is one of an ambassador. With the rampant fear that runs through world, particularly the fear we see from people who literally refuse to go to a bellydance show, it’s important to be a very good ambassador and one that is inclusive and caring to your audience. Not only is it important to get the actual dance represented correctly, it’s crucial that we inform the audiences about the nature of the dance. It is a family past time for many and is done by everyone including men and women.

Photos by Studio Jaki

Restaurants and festivals who are looking to get the crowd involved can hand out hipscarves to the crowd. This is a fun way to get everyone up and excited about a little shimmy. It’s exciting to see the look on people’s faces when they start wiggling  and the coins and fringes are jingling around. So many great dancers include a set where they get wrapped up in a dancer’s veil.


Another thing is to have plenty of great music. Teach your audience a song, the refrain from a chorus. Do something to break the ice and the fear of the many cultures around the globe. When people are afraid, they don’t come to your events or festivals. This just creates a negative domino. It’s up to us as dance ambassadors to show the joy of loving each other. Middle Eastern Dance is a great way to initiate inclusion and support. Gather with your fellow dancers, grab some hipscarves and great music. Bring your community into the dance circle. Let’s be the beginning of the bridge.



Get Ready for Regional Tunes

Our resident archivist travels to spend time with bands every year. There’s new music in the region. You ready for it? Let’s explore…

From Andinha: It’s important to keep up with what is going on in the Middle East and Africa as well as the international communities where people from the region are residing. This is where you’re going to find the root of the dance you love as well as its development. This is to what producers in the dance world need to be paying attention.

Recently, I included in a show review examples of what is popular in the region or what is being celebrated. I don’t see enough of this in the United States’ cultural dance communities. I see it only in our international circle, nations specific community centres and that one time a year that a generous donor partners with an incredible producer and brings bands from back home on tour ([Cheb] Khaled, Hakim, etc.). Groups like A-Wa are currently touring.  Balkan Beat Box is their producer? That’s what I heard on a radio interview. I’ve seen BBB as well years ago. I remember spending, like, the last $40 I had on me to get a ticket to their show because it was so important for me.

It’s rare that I find  regional music and learning about the cultures that make-up raqs sharqi of no interest to dancers. Most Middle East dance enthusiasts want this music. They don’t want to be “behind” the times. Take a moment to hear the newest and latest music in the region. Encourage your friends to evolve with it. Reach out to these bands, become a fan, learn their backgrounds and what dances they would do with their music. Ask them to come and perform if you can. Be involved with the actual region you’re representing as ambassadors through dance. Here’s my latest fav… A-WA band.

Thanks for reading! Thanks Andinha for keeping us up-to-date.

Bling For Bellydance Shows

Hope you had a great holiday yesterday. It’s now time to shift gears and think about parties and gifts for the ones you love. We’re looking at sparkling things and cool accessories to wear to shows. There’s something for everyone in our stock. If you’re hoping for something traditional and elegant consider a ‘Mano de Fatima,’ Hamsa, or regional hand ornament. We have several styles that work well. These have a cultural and regional significance. They mean a lot to us and are worn by all sexes and genders.


We also have lovely necklaces that go well with those looking to glam up their outfits. There’s a wide variety and we’re fond of this one. It looks good with so many personal styles.



And who can resist a necklace that ups your fusion game to the next level. Mirrored accessories are timeless. Pick your fav and get one for a friend. Send us photos of you and your friend wearing any of these styles and we’ll enter you to win a pair of earrings to match.



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-Team MBD

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